In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we are proud to share collections of archived web content created by Archive-It Partners that honor both the work of Dr. King, as well as ongoing work and dialogue around racial and economic justice in the United States and abroad.
At Archive-It, we hope to continue to support organizations dedicated to archiving at-risk web content that showcase the struggle to create a more just and equal society.
Dr. Martin Luther King
Lincoln Park High School
As part of the K12 Web Archiving Program, Lincoln Park High School archived two websites about the life Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his ongoing legacy.
African American Issues
New York University
Regularly crawled and archived collection of African American news and opinion websites.
Many city and state government partners archive websites related to Human Rights Commissions- dedicated to eradicating discrimination in housing, employment, and and social services:
Human Rights Commission, Tennessee
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Human Rights Commission
San Francisco Public Library
Human Rights Commisison, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Department of Libraries
The global impact of the Dr. King and the civil rights movement in the United States is felt in human rights struggles documented throughout the world.
Human Rights
Columbia University Libraries
Human Rights Documentation Initiative
University of Texas at Austin Libraries